Social Language & Emotional Regulation skills through grade specific small groups: 1st-4th grade
New Format: CONNECT is now in grade-specific small groups of 4-5 students during specials time blocks.
Social Language and emotional regulation skills are required every day to CONNECT with peers, CONNECT emotions, and CONNECT in learning. Examples of these skills include:
*negotiating a plan when there is more than one idea *managing time necessary to complete all tasks within a group *compromising with peers who have different perspectives *problem solving when things don't go as planned *confidently communicating ideas to a group *matching a response to the size of the problem *modifying communication based on the body language of others *communicating emotions beyond happy, mad, sad and the cause of that emotion *modifying language based on the communicative partner
Some children develop these skills alongside other areas of development without direct teaching or extra practice. Some students need additional support in order to develop these skills to be adequate for their age level. Each child is different. We are here to support your child in these areas.
CONNECT is a group setting to learn social language and emotional regulation skills through games, role play, crafts and experiments.
In order to determine eligibility for CONNECT, Holland Speech completes an intake consisting of a social communication screening, teacher input, and parent input. In some circumstances, based on the intake screening results, a full social language evaluation will be recommended to gain additional information and individual speech therapy may be needed first in order to be ready for a group setting.
$30 registration fee per semester One time $75 social communication intake
$275 per month group tuition includes: Three small group sessions per month Monthly teacher check-in Monthly individualized classroom support Monthly parent newsletter via email
Complete the fields below and a Holland team member will contact you regarding CONNECT